Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

computer security and critical data.

topik supri yanto '31106412' {bhs.inggris bisnis 1 / 3db 19}

computer security and critical data?


computer-security for computer users must have

use various methods to computer security and

personal data, such as by installing anti-virus,

de-el-el. but sometimes it still feels less safe,

because then the rapid development of technology,

so that the hackers were slalu out viruses

terdahsyat and there is even one virus that sampe

now have not found the vaccine,


makaning, we should be cautious with all slalu tricks

tricks of the hackers, and here are a few tips to

we prevented computer users and avoid hacking.

how to prevent / minimize them:

1. Beware of phishing sites in great many outstanding

current (example: - should and - his G-wear replaced Q),

You should never go to that site, although only

idly want to see it if you still lay against

Internet security and your computer.

2. Do not ever go to any site via e-mail click

/ E-mail links that could potentially be used for click

download active-x yg could hijack (hijack) your browser

you unless you are sure that the link is safe or to

activate the registration. 90% of people were hacked because

of this

or the computer can get spyware / viruses.

3. Always use Mozilla FireFox browser has proven to reply

have the best security than other browsers, including


4. Install Firewall on your computer, you can use

ZoneAlarm free version can be downloaded at

5. Frequently update your Windows with the latest patch for


original licensed Windows

6. Computer should also have a antivirus and

antispyware or you can use in gratisnya version

7. Do not even you open an investment account or

your other important account on the computer cafes (public)


does not have a firewall or you do not believe that

computer is secure because you can get your account hacked

because keylogger (keyboard activities recorder program and

you open the site) and you should check the startup

Windows was used and turn off the access that you think

dangerous to use a program like Hijack This!

which can be downloaded at the download section of our site.

8. Never download a file attachment in an e-mail address

if you do not know the e-mail from anyone, and especially

e-mail from abroad (in English).

9. Do not install a free program that you are any

downloaded from the site that can not be trusted or through

P2P programs like LimeWire, iMesh or BearShare because

sometimes the program contains a virus or spyware

formulation of an issue

>> Some of the things that make computer crime continues

occurs and tends to increase are as follows:

1. Increased computer and internet users
2. The number of software that was originally used to

audit of a system by looking for weaknesses

and gaps there might be misused to make

scanning system to others.
3. The number of software to conduct the probe and

infiltration are available on the Internet and can be


4. The increased capability of computers and Internet

5. Decentralization server so that more system

should be handled, while the limited human resources.
6. Lack of shoulder governing computer crime.
7. Increasing number of companies that connect

their LAN networks to the Internet.
8. Increased business applications that use the internet.
9. The number of software that has weaknesses (bugs).


>> There are several things that can answer the question why

we need to secure computer systems, among others:

1. Avoiding the risk of intrusion, we must ensure

that the system does not kemasukaan intruder who can read,

write and run programs that might interfere

or destroy our system.
2. Reduce the risk of threat, this is usually true in

institutions and private companies. There are several types

of intruders

that can attack our system.
3. Protect the system from the vulnerability, keretanan


make our system has the potential to provide access to

not allowed for others who are not eligible.
4. Protect the system from natural disturbances such as

lightning and


View of the points above, is why we

need to keep your computer security is to keep

information, because information has become a commodity that

very important. Some even say that we have

are disebuah "Information based society". Ability to

access and provide information quickly and accurately

becomes very essential for an organization, whether a

form of commercial organizations (companies), universities,

government agencies, and individuals.

>> Aspects of computer security:
The core of computer security is to protect the computer and

network with the aim of securing the information that is

in it. Computer security itself includes some

aspects, among others:

1. Privacy, is something that is confidential

(private). The point is prevention of such information

not accessed by unauthorized people. Examples are

email or other files that should not be read someone else

even by the administrator. Prevention is possible

done is to use technology enksripsi, so

only the owner can find out information that the information

2. Confidentiality, the data supplied to the

another for specific purposes but still maintained its


Examples of personal data such as: name, address,

no ktp, telephone and so on. Confidentiality will be seen

When asked to prove the crime a person, whether

holders will provide information to people infomasinya

who asked him or keep klientnya.
3. Integrity, the emphasis is not an information

be changed except by the owner of the information. Sometimes


who has not maintained its integrity terenskripsipun because

there is the possibility of encryption chpertext changed.

Example: Attack of Integrity as an email

sent the middle road and replaced it intercepted,

so that the email until ketujuan has changed.
4. Autentication, this will be done when the user login

by using the user name and password, if appropriate

or not, if the match will not be accepted and rejected. It

usually associated with access rights a person, whether he

The access is valid or not.
5. Availability, these aspects related to whether a

data available when needed / required. If a data

or information security is too tight will make it difficult

in data access. Besides the slow access

also inhibits Aspe terpenuhnya availability. Attack

often done on this aspect is the denial of service

(DoS), the discomfiture when the demand for services

data so that computers can not serve him. Another example

from denial of service this is to send requests

causing excessive computer can no longer

accommodate the load and eventually the computer down.

>> Some examples of activities that can be done to

computer security planning:

1. Calculate the losses if our information systems are


worked for 1 hour, for 1 day, 1 week and 1 month.

(Imagine server could not be accessed during

a few days. Every day she got a few million loss.
2. Calculate the losses if any error information (data)

the system information that we have. Examples of our WEB

announced the price of an item that is different from the


in our stores.
3. Calculate the losses if there is missing data, such as

how the loss suffered when the customer list and

invoices missing from our system and how much it costs

reconstruction again.
4. Does your company's good name is a thing

that must be protected? Imagine if a famous bank

with the security vulnerability of the data, going back and


security incidents. Of cause many customers to move

to other banks for fear of security money.


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