Selasa, 10 November 2009

surat pemesanan produk {full blok stlye}

Garment Company
CV.DAYU (clothing production)
North Jakarta
Jl. Building No.125 jaya tel. (021) 88223344 fax. (081) 112,233
No.surat: AK.05.1

Jakarta, 15november2009

CV.INCO (production of clothing materials)
No.34 Jl.Garuda Bandung

Budi susilo
Manager CV.INCO

Subject: Mail order products

Along with this letter we propose a product ordering materials in the production of clothes by the father to lead the company.
For information on our company to move production of the clothes-making, for that we ordered the material to the company's clothes father. Because our market has increased demand for clothes.
For that kamimengajukan product ordering clothing materials
Products in a message to us as follows:
1.Bahan kattun = 15 park
2.Bahan orange / rough = 20 park
3.bahan paper = 10 park
Toatal booking = 45 park

So this letter we submitted pemesenan, and the good cooperation we thank you.


lampiran : no 123
Asisiten marketing manager
(topik supri yanto)

artinya dari surat pemesanan produk

Perusahaan Garment
CV.DAYU (produksi baju-baju)
Jakarta Utara
Jl. Gedung jaya no.125 telp.(021)88223344 fax.(081) 112233
No.surat :AK.05.1 jakarta,15november2009

CV.INCO (produksi bahan-bahan baju)
Jl.Garuda No.34 Bandung

Kepada YTH,
Budi susilo
Manager CV.INCO

Dengan hormat,
Perihal : Surat pemesanan produk

Bersama surat ini kami mengajukan pemesanan produk

bahan-bahan baju yang di produksi oleh perusahaan bapak

Sebagai informasi perusahaan kami bergerak di produksi

pembuatan baju, untuk itu kami memesan bahan –bahan baju

kepada perusahaan bapak .Karena di pasaran kami permintaan

baju semakin meningkat .
Untuk itu kamimengajukan pemesanan produk bahan-bahan baju
Produk yang di pesan oleh kami sebagi berikut:
1.Bahan kattun = 15 park
2.Bahan jeruk/kasar = 20 park
3.bahan kertas = 10 park
Toatal pemesanan = 45 park

Demikianlah surat pemesenan ini kami ajukan , dan atas kerjasamanya yang baik kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

Asisiten marketing manager
(topik supri yanto)

surat pemesanan produk {semy blok stlye}

Garment Company
CV.DAYU (clothing production)
North Jakarta
Jl. Building No.125 jaya tel. (021) 88223344 fax. (081) 112,233

No.surat: AK.05.1 Jakarta,15november2009

CV.INCO (production of clothing materials)

No.34 Jl.Garuda Bandung

Budi susilo
Manager CV.INCO

Subject: Mail order products

Along with this letter we propose a product ordering

materials in the production of clothes by the father to lead

the company.
For information on our company to move production of the

clothes-making, for that we ordered the material to the

company's clothes father. Because our market has increased

demand for clothes.
For that kamimengajukan product ordering clothing materials
Products in a message to us as follows:
1.Bahan kattun = 15 park
2.Bahan orange / rough = 20 park
3.bahan paper = 10 park
Toatal booking = 45 park

So this letter we submitted reservation, and the good cooperation we thank you.


Asisiten marketing manager
(topik supri yanto)