When talking about the history of the Internet, it will never escape from the ARPANET and NSFNET (the U.S. National Science Fundation). Both the initiator of this network is the Internet which we now use. On January 1, 1983 TCP / IP is expressed as the only official protocol. Since the ARPANET and NSFNET are combined, the growth in use of these networks more and more. Then in mid-year, the public began to view a collection, a variety of networks as the Internet.
The development of the Internet gathering popularity in 1990, where a collection of this network has grown to 3000 and 200,000 computer networks. Year 1992 recorded approximately 1 million has been collected host on the Internet. According to Paxson, in 1995 there were a lot of backbone, regional networks of hundreds, tens of thousands of LAN, millions of hosts and tens of millions of users. This amount was allegedly growing twice each year. Simply put at the beginning of the Internet usage has four main applications as follows:
1. Email
2. News
3. Remote login
4. File Transfer
Over time, in 1990 the Internet is more widely used in academic and government circles, until then announced application WWW (World Wide Web) is very helpful non-academic circles to the network. Also WWW also allows the creation of a number of pages of information associated with the links to one another, accompanied by images, sound, and video.
In Indonesia, the Internet has grown so rapidly that penetrated into the remote corners of the region. Internet as one means of information and communication were very interested in the community, the Internet has become a means of communication developed very fast and effective and also relatively inexpensive cost compared to telephone communication. Its use now includes various circles, such as: newspapers, publishers, TV stations, entertainment, educators, library management, computer fans, and student / student.
One of the giant telecommunication companies in Indonesia launched a program for education. They gave the name of the program "Indonesia Learning". Uniform with the launch MONE Jardiknas last year, then several other telecommunications companies that had launched the same thing.
Smelling programs this technology procurement shaped computers, telecommunications networks and software. The schools were given the facility to use the multimedia software and hardware that has been provided. Impact, anyone, be it teachers, principals, students, staff of the TU, even the custodian will have access to sniff the information world.
Positifkah or negatifkah effect would be born from the consumption of this technology.
Problem formulation
Furthermore, because the Internet's development has implications for many users, both negative and positive. Internet makes information easier and faster to obtain. Undeniably the world's information access opening so freely in this era of globalization, but there are also positive sides of the negative side of the internet that can not be dammed. One of them is of course very concerned about the parents in Indonesia, which has a tradition of cultural and religious values are strong, is easy to access teenagers sites pornography smelly. These sites are a bad influence on student behavior daily.
Goal Writing
The aim of this paper is:
1. To determine the influence of the internet for students
2. To anticipate the negative impact of the Internet presence.
Limit Problem
The author tried to illustrate how the influence of the Internet for students.
Benefits of Writing
Benefits of this writing include:
1. Knowing how much influence the internet, either mauipun positive impact negatively on students.
2. The students are expected to control themselves and optimize the benefits of accessing the internet.
Age is increasingly growing. The findings of the latest technologies that will simplify people's lives have been produced. Through technological developments, the conventional ways and impractical a lot of people tend to be abandoned and began to move into more things that instant, practical and proven effective for humans. Along with the development of globalization, the Internet comes in the midst of human civilization is a multi-cultural.
Internet technology was present as a multifunctional media. Internet can make a separate person in the world with a distance of millions of miles away to get along in a short time and quickly. Internet has now been used in almost all circles, ranging from elementary students to adults with different levels of needs are different. However, the current Internet already present in the school, be aware of its existence. Because the Internet has advantages and disadvantages. Internet is very helpful to students to obtain information, whether it was lessons as well as the wider information. But despite all the advantages, the Internet also has shortcomings. All information obtained can not be filtered out, many sites - sites that are less well circulated widely on the Internet, and it can damage the morale of students. Therefore, should the teachers at school must be really - really pay attention to the students in using the Internet at school. And parents also need to manage the child - their child.
Study Library
Internet is said to be information resources, as it is not an ordinary thing. It is said that because the Internet is the largest information provider and the largest in the world. In addition to the information resources there is also a library called the Internet as the world, because any information can be found in it from different sources and with a variety of languages.
Education is a world where human resources is formed, just when education is used as the center of attention in all areas of development. For that facilities and infrastructure in acquiring knowledge can not be eliminated, in this case is the Internet.
The responsibility of schools in the current era of globalization is to prepare students to face changing times, where the things previously done manually are now switching to digital.
Ability to operate computers is a start-up capital to follow this development, therefore schools should provide supporting facilities as one means of learning the computer that can play doubles, in addition to working offline computer should also be able to work online (internet).
With the internet supported learning activities will be more fun and varied, students can also find references to subject matter that is more complete and up to date.
Another convenience is obtained for example the ease of interaction that exists, both among teachers, teachers and students, or students with a student. This interaction can be asked questions about school lessons, discussions procurement activities, or chatting in the school community to discuss.
Although the Internet is the potential to provide benefits and convenience, use the Internet in schools should be arranged so that the activities conducted online really learning activities, and any student activities must also be carefully monitored. The teachers should know that besides the positive effects are also negative impacts that could result from the internet, let alone accessing the sites and smells of violent pornography, which could hinder student learning.
At the present time every school should have a website, so that the interaction between the school community is much more focused. Form of facilities provided by schools include:
Access to the library that can be done online, for example search titles according to the desired category.
Access palajaran school schedule, where students can immediately look at their school website,
Finding the materials provided by an online teacher for dipelari at home.
As well as direct access to the Kapala Schools, Teachers, and among students.
Convenience was also obtained by prospective new students who want to go to certain schools, where prospective students can access the school website that interests you, see the profile of a school, seeking information relating to the admission of new students, and others.
In Indonesia, the problem of scarcity of conventional sources of information (library) is more severe than elsewhere. The existence of the Internet is one of the ultimate solution to the problem ini.Internet eliminate time and space boundaries that allow a student to communicate with experts in other places. A student in an area can consult with faculty in other areas or even abroad course description above leads us to question why we have not many use the Internet for educational purposes in Indonesia. There are several reasons, some of which include:
Lack of mastery of English.
Like it or not, most of the information on the Internet is available in English. Mastery of the English language became one of the benefits (advantages).
Lack of information sources in the Indonesian language.
We realize that not all Indonesian people will learn English. For the source of information in the Indonesian language should be available. We have not been many sources of educational information available in Indonesian. The concept of sharing (Sharring), for example by making educational materials on the Internet, not populist. Initiatives like this are rare there, but still lacking a lot. For example: which one can learn in a self-taught computer without having to sit in college ..
Internet access is still expensive.
Although already available, access to the Internet is still expensive. But this is expected to be cheaper in the future. Acceleration of price decline is expected to be the main focus of the Government. Another mechanism is the existence of government subsidies for educational institutions.
Internet access is still difficult to obtain.
Some areas in Indonesiamasih not have a phone line that can be used to access the Internet.
Internet is very useful for students because with the internet community lebh efficient, innovative interaktifdan in knowing more extensive information and learning.
The Internet also can be useful for students premises interaction among students, students with teachers, students with school principals and students with administrative staff and other communities.
Damapak positive and negative use of the Internet for students.
1. A lot of information
2. Interacting with a distant friend
3. Received teaching / learning, etc.
In my opinion the person, depending on the user or users of the Internet if the user should not intend to either / open sites that are not good either will not natinya.
• But there are ways to minimize the negative dapmpak in Internet use among students:
Put the computer in the family room or a room that is often bypassed public (preferably not in the child's bedroom) Limit the use of computers for your child. Parents must get involved and make time with the kids when they're online Learn as much as possible about the online community, just maybe these kids more than you know yourself Find out about and implement software blocking and filtering certain sites. If you use a computer with your kids, and you intentionally or unintentionally visited a website that should not be visited by your child, you should delete the address by deleting its history, with such steps below:
1. Click Tools
2. Select and click Internet Options
3. Click the Clear History button in the Internet Options window
When talking about the history of the Internet, it will never escape from the ARPANET and NSFNET (the U.S. National Science Fundation). Both the initiator of this network is the Internet which we now use. On January 1, 1983 TCP / IP is expressed as the only official protocol. Since the ARPANET and NSFNET are combined, the growth in use of these networks more and more. Then in mid-year, the public began to view a collection, a variety of networks as the Internet.
The development of the Internet gathering popularity in 1990, where a collection of this network has grown to 3000 and 200,000 computer networks. Year 1992 recorded approximately 1 million has been collected host on the Internet. According to Paxson, in 1995 there were a lot of backbone, regional networks of hundreds, tens of thousands of LAN, millions of hosts and tens of millions of users. This amount was allegedly growing twice each year. Simply put at the beginning of the Internet usage has four main applications as follows:
1. Email
2. News
3. Remote login
4. File Transfer
Over time, in 1990 the Internet is more widely used in academic and government circles, until then announced application WWW (World Wide Web) is very helpful non-academic circles to the network. Also WWW also allows the creation of a number of pages of information associated with the links to one another, accompanied by images, sound, and video.
In Indonesia, the Internet has grown so rapidly that penetrated into the remote corners of the region. Internet as one means of information and communication were very interested in the community, the Internet has become a means of communication developed very fast and effective and also relatively inexpensive cost compared to telephone communication. Its use now includes various circles, such as: newspapers, publishers, TV stations, entertainment, educators, library management, computer fans, and student / student.
One of the giant telecommunication companies in Indonesia launched a program for education. They gave the name of the program "Indonesia Learning". Uniform with the launch MONE Jardiknas last year, then several other telecommunications companies that had launched the same thing.
Smelling programs this technology procurement shaped computers, telecommunications networks and software. The schools were given the facility to use the multimedia software and hardware that has been provided. Impact, anyone, be it teachers, principals, students, staff of the TU, even the custodian will have access to sniff the information world.
Positifkah or negatifkah effect would be born from the consumption of this technology.
Problem formulation
Furthermore, because the Internet's development has implications for many users, both negative and positive. Internet makes information easier and faster to obtain. Undeniably the world's information access opening so freely in this era of globalization, but there are also positive sides of the negative side of the internet that can not be dammed. One of them is of course very concerned about the parents in Indonesia, which has a tradition of cultural and religious values are strong, is easy to access teenagers sites pornography smelly. These sites are a bad influence on student behavior daily.
Goal Writing
The aim of this paper is:
1. To determine the influence of the internet for students
2. To anticipate the negative impact of the Internet presence.
Limit Problem
The author tried to illustrate how the influence of the Internet for students.
Benefits of Writing
Benefits of this writing include:
1. Knowing how much influence the internet, either mauipun positive impact negatively on students.
2. The students are expected to control themselves and optimize the benefits of accessing the internet.
Age is increasingly growing. The findings of the latest technologies that will simplify people's lives have been produced. Through technological developments, the conventional ways and impractical a lot of people tend to be abandoned and began to move into more things that instant, practical and proven effective for humans. Along with the development of globalization, the Internet comes in the midst of human civilization is a multi-cultural.
Internet technology was present as a multifunctional media. Internet can make a separate person in the world with a distance of millions of miles away to get along in a short time and quickly. Internet has now been used in almost all circles, ranging from elementary students to adults with different levels of needs are different. However, the current Internet already present in the school, be aware of its existence. Because the Internet has advantages and disadvantages. Internet is very helpful to students to obtain information, whether it was lessons as well as the wider information. But despite all the advantages, the Internet also has shortcomings. All information obtained can not be filtered out, many sites - sites that are less well circulated widely on the Internet, and it can damage the morale of students. Therefore, should the teachers at school must be really - really pay attention to the students in using the Internet at school. And parents also need to manage the child - their child.
Study Library
Internet is said to be information resources, as it is not an ordinary thing. It is said that because the Internet is the largest information provider and the largest in the world. In addition to the information resources there is also a library called the Internet as the world, because any information can be found in it from different sources and with a variety of languages.
Education is a world where human resources is formed, just when education is used as the center of attention in all areas of development. For that facilities and infrastructure in acquiring knowledge can not be eliminated, in this case is the Internet.
The responsibility of schools in the current era of globalization is to prepare students to face changing times, where the things previously done manually are now switching to digital.
Ability to operate computers is a start-up capital to follow this development, therefore schools should provide supporting facilities as one means of learning the computer that can play doubles, in addition to working offline computer should also be able to work online (internet).
With the internet supported learning activities will be more fun and varied, students can also find references to subject matter that is more complete and up to date.
Another convenience is obtained for example the ease of interaction that exists, both among teachers, teachers and students, or students with a student. This interaction can be asked questions about school lessons, discussions procurement activities, or chatting in the school community to discuss.
Although the Internet is the potential to provide benefits and convenience, use the Internet in schools should be arranged so that the activities conducted online really learning activities, and any student activities must also be carefully monitored. The teachers should know that besides the positive effects are also negative impacts that could result from the internet, let alone accessing the sites and smells of violent pornography, which could hinder student learning.
At the present time every school should have a website, so that the interaction between the school community is much more focused. Form of facilities provided by schools include:
Access to the library that can be done online, for example search titles according to the desired category.
Access palajaran school schedule, where students can immediately look at their school website,
Finding the materials provided by an online teacher for dipelari at home.
As well as direct access to the Kapala Schools, Teachers, and among students.
Convenience was also obtained by prospective new students who want to go to certain schools, where prospective students can access the school website that interests you, see the profile of a school, seeking information relating to the admission of new students, and others.
In Indonesia, the problem of scarcity of conventional sources of information (library) is more severe than elsewhere. The existence of the Internet is one of the ultimate solution to the problem ini.Internet eliminate time and space boundaries that allow a student to communicate with experts in other places. A student in an area can consult with faculty in other areas or even abroad course description above leads us to question why we have not many use the Internet for educational purposes in Indonesia. There are several reasons, some of which include:
Lack of mastery of English.
Like it or not, most of the information on the Internet is available in English. Mastery of the English language became one of the benefits (advantages).
Lack of information sources in the Indonesian language.
We realize that not all Indonesian people will learn English. For the source of information in the Indonesian language should be available. We have not been many sources of educational information available in Indonesian. The concept of sharing (Sharring), for example by making educational materials on the Internet, not populist. Initiatives like this are rare there, but still lacking a lot. For example: which one can learn in a self-taught computer without having to sit in college ..
Internet access is still expensive.
Although already available, access to the Internet is still expensive. But this is expected to be cheaper in the future. Acceleration of price decline is expected to be the main focus of the Government. Another mechanism is the existence of government subsidies for educational institutions.
Internet access is still difficult to obtain.
Some areas in Indonesiamasih not have a phone line that can be used to access the Internet.
Internet is very useful for students because with the internet community lebh efficient, innovative interaktifdan in knowing more extensive information and learning.
The Internet also can be useful for students premises interaction among students, students with teachers, students with school principals and students with administrative staff and other communities.
Damapak positive and negative use of the Internet for students.
1. A lot of information
2. Interacting with a distant friend
3. Received teaching / learning, etc.
In my opinion the person, depending on the user or users of the Internet if the user should not intend to either / open sites that are not good either will not natinya.
• But there are ways to minimize the negative dapmpak in Internet use among students:
Put the computer in the family room or a room that is often bypassed public (preferably not in the child's bedroom) Limit the use of computers for your child. Parents must get involved and make time with the kids when they're online Learn as much as possible about the online community, just maybe these kids more than you know yourself Find out about and implement software blocking and filtering certain sites. If you use a computer with your kids, and you intentionally or unintentionally visited a website that should not be visited by your child, you should delete the address by deleting its history, with such steps below:
1. Click Tools
2. Select and click Internet Options
3. Click the Clear History button in the Internet Options window
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